Olympus’ primary mission is to make people’s lives safer. The American Red Cross exists to prevent and alleviate human suffering in the face of emergencies. Together, Olympus and the Red Cross turn compassion into action in times of need.
Our efforts with the Red Cross provide shelter, food, emotional support, and other assistance in response to disasters. In the face of dire circumstances, we help make sure families have a safe place to sleep, nourishing food, and the resources they need to move forward.
Financial Support
Olympus provides the Red Cross with ongoing financial support as a Ready 365 partner. This commitment secures a reliable funding base for disaster relief services so the Red Cross can respond immediately, meeting the needs of individuals and families affected by catastrophe.
The Ready 365 Giving Program is made up of select businesses that are leaders in promoting employee readiness, both at work and home. These companies stand with the Red Cross to help communities prepare for disasters before they happen, respond quickly in the event of an emergency, recover from loss, and become stronger.

Next-Generation Response
Olympus is proud to have helped the Red Cross fund a next-generation Emergency Response Vehicle (ERV). When the U.S. faces major disasters, this ERV is on the frontline delivering food, supplies, and hope. This contribution has dramatically improved the Red Cross’s ability to respond wherever and whenever needed.
Double the Impact
When disaster strikes, employees across the country come together to make donations on the Red Cross microsite. Olympus matches these donations 100% in order to double their impact.
The Drive to Save Lives
Olympus hosts employee Red Cross blood drives multiple times a year at each of our corporate locations. Each drive can save up to 100 lives!
Making Communities Safer
Olympus employees throughout the country volunteer at Red Cross Sound the Alarm Home Fire Campaign installation events. This effort installs smoke alarms in at-risk communities to make lives safer.
90% of the Red Cross workforce is made up of volunteers, and Olympus is happy to be part of this group. We donate time, money, and blood. We help communities be better prepared for emergencies. We learn skills that can help save lives.
We share in the Red Cross mission of providing relief and support to those in crisis. It’s a cause that we’re proud to support every day of the year.